Been a customer since 2005 have 2 cars and truck they work on. Best service and value in the Bay. They are honest, dependable and don't try to sell you a bunch a junk you don't need. True story: yesterday I dropped my car off using the mail drop box. As I'm pulling in a couple of guys are dropping off there Toyota truck. In passing I ask "So are you also an overly satisfied customer"? They chuckle and respond, " I know right"? " These guys are great, we live in SF and bring our car here to get the work done, even just oil changes. They have been customers since the 90's or so. They used to live in Pleasanton. Crazy thing is over the years I've had man similar encounters with other customers. Reality is it only matters what I think, though its great to here an echo. I hope this place outlives me because I don't want to go fishing for another Honest shop. You know a shop is honest when you take you car somewhere for an oil change and they tell you your cars practically falling apart and need $3000 in work. Then you bring it to Precision and drop it off with the list and Kevin calls you next day and say's there nothing wrong with your car come pick it up, no charge. That the when you know, they can be trusted.